
Maine = Lots of Lobster

Last week I was in Maine with some of my favorite girlfriends - a relaxing and low-key trip that was needed by all! (Many thanks to SARB for inviting us up!) Seeing that we were in Maine, I got my game face on and was ready to eat lots of lobster. In my world, lots = once or twice! Back story - once when I was really little on new years day, I ate lobster and by the end of the day I was sick. I'm sure it had nothing whatsoever to do with the lobster and more likely all of the ice cream I ate that day, but whatever, in my child mind, I decided I must avoid lobster at all costs. 

Fast forward some 20+ years, I committed to eating lobster while on vacation because after all the world's best lobster comes from Maine. So 5 days later and 2 or 3 servings of lobster and I can safely say lobster is good stuff! Now I'm not going to start ordering it at restaurants left and right, but at least I now know I can eat it and be ok. Maine not only gave me a relaxing few days, but it also allowed me to conquer my lobster fears!

Mmmmm lobster rolls!

Check out some of my favorite pictures from Maine, courtesy of my friend KG. (KG - thanks for the awesome pics!)
Marking my territory!
A night time view from the house - SARB: best house ever!
A view from the balcony!
The neighbors cute beach sign!
This ice cream shop was delicious - had something crazy like 75 types!


  1. wahoo...glad you liked the pics!

  2. the pics are awesome! might have to order some!

  3. Anonymous8/27/2011

    LOBSTAH !!!!!! xox
